Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dynamic lookup on forms

To create a custom dynamic lookup on a form, override the lookup method on the control, and add the following code. This code allows you to select a year, but it should be clear what you need to modify to show something else:

public void lookup()
    Counter yearCount;
    List    valueList = new List(Types::String);

    for (yearCount = 0; yearCount < 5; yearCount++)
        valueList.addEnd(strFmt("Year %1", year(SystemDateGet()) - yearCount));

    SysLookup::lookupList(this, valueList, "List of years");


  1. Hi where is SysLookup::lookupList method please?

    1. Hi Donna. The blog post is very old and since then Microsoft has removed the mentioned method in the most recent versions of AX. Sorry.
